Friday, November 20, 2009

Ring around the Rosie

I am so thankful that today is Friday. It feels like this week has gone on and on...I never thought it would end.

Bryce has started a new thing. If you sing ring around the rosie he will start to turn in circles and even falls down when he is supposed to. His favorite place to do this dance is in the laundry basket. I will try to catch him and post a's hilarious and SO cute!

Wednesday Bryce went to the doctor and we found out he has a intestinal infection. He is acting fine, but has potty problems. They put him on probiotics for kids and he is doing much better. =o)

Aunt Katie came to the rescue on Thursday and played all day with him while Daniel and I worked. Today, he is at grandma Jane's.

The house is still in boxes, but Bryce now knows that he is home when he walks in the door or when he wakes up from a nap. I could care less if we lived in boxes the rest of my life, I just want Bryce to be comfortable and know that he is home.

This weekend we plan on getting the guest bedroom set up for visitors so give us a ring and come and see the new place!

Love from the Brody world,


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our First Dinner

Last night we had our first cooked dinner in our new house, and best of all, I did't have to cook it!

Daniel took the day off from work to be home for the cable and phone people and to finish up some stuff and Bryce and I came home to yummy grilled hamburgers and french fries. It was the perfect way to end a long day at work.

Bryce slept better last night, still woke up at 4am, but at least it wasn't 1:30. =o) He is starting to get adjusted and for that I am most thankful.

Tonight Daniel is going to be at a Rockets game and Bryce and I are going to watch Winnie the Pooh and make english muffin pizza's with a side of yummy peas!

Have a wonderful day!

Love from the Brody world,


Monday, November 16, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself

Well hello people!!

It was been SO long since I have written that I feel I need to introduce myself. I'm Kelly. Daughter of Kenny and Yvonne Franks, sister to Katie Franks, wife to Daniel Brody and mother to Bryce.

This morning I decided that blogging needed to be put back in my daily or every other day schedule. So many things are new in the Brody world and with Bryce getting older and more curious I have many fun stories to tell and so many people to tell them to. It's easier for me to tell it once on here than 20 different times on the phone =o)

Allow me to fill you in. Since March the following things have taken place...

1. Bryce turned one
2. Bryce started walking
3. Bryce started bobbing his head to music
4. Daniel and I became new homeowners (we are still unpacking)
5. Bryce can "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands" by himself
6. Bryce plays Ring around the Rosie by himself
7. Bryce is starting to hear the word "no" more and more
8. Bryce fell in love with lego blocks and cars

Really, I could go on and on. As you can see, everything is about Bryce. His personality has really started to take shape and I just know that busier and harder days lie ahead. Sigh, I can't say that I'm ready. However, there is one thing I know that is going to help in the days to come. Bryce is actually a very good listener. It might take him once or twice, but he really does listen when you tell him no. He responds well.

Funny story for this post...

We moved into our new house this past weekend and the TV and game consoles are down low where he can touch them. Bryce LOVES the XBox, mostly because it has a green light on it, and now that it's low he figured out that he can turn it on and off by himself. I was sitting on the couch and I had already told him no and he stopped, but then he walked up to the Xbox when I wasn't looking touched the button and I caught the tail end of him turning it off and said "Brycer No!" and he turned around with a "I didn't do it look" and walked off from the area. It really was hilarious. My mom and sister were cracking up. I wish I would have gotten it on camera.

You guys have a great Monday! It's good to be back.

Love from the Brody world,
