Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

Can you believe 2008 is over? What a whirlwind of a year! I turned 26, found out I was pregnant, gave birth to the most wonderful baby ever, lost a loving Grandfather, lost one of the best sunday school teachers I've ever had, and lost my precious Nanaw. It was an emotional year to say the least.

I gladly welcome 2009. Just like everyone else I have made a list of resolutions, things that I really want to make happen for 2009, but like other people, I'm sure that list will be null and void in about 2 weeks. Ya know, what is it about January 1st? As soon as I woke up this morning I thought, this is it! Time to clean my house from top to bottom, organize every last thing in every closet, write someone a letter, get in touch with an old friend and take a 2 mile walk to jump start my new and improved weight loss plan. Truth is, I'm still in my PJ's. I did manage to get all the laundry done, take some trash out, put eyeliner on and wash dishes, but none of the other stuff on my list. Oh well, I guess there's always 2010!

Daniel and I atempted to spend New Years Eve with Bryce at a friends house, but Bryce was SUPER fussy that we threw in the towel. We were home by 9. I was disappointed at first. Worried that we would miss all the fun, but as we played with Bryce and tucked him in his bed, I realized this was the best New Year's ever. Bryce was sleeping by 10:45, I was in bed by 11 and Daniel woke me up at midnight with a kiss and we both went back to sleep. No, we aren't 70 years old! We are just learning that it's the little things in life that make everything worthwhile.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year. Stop by from time to time to see what's going on in the Brody world. I can't promise an interesting read, but I needed and outlet and you wanted to be updated...we both win.

Love from the Brody world,

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