Friday, January 2, 2009

Advice Giver

So we went to dinner with our friends Chad and Jill and half way through eating I realized that I was freely handing out motherly advice like it was going out of style. Why and how does that happen?

I remember one of the things I disliked most about being pregnant was everyone always giving me their expert advice. "If they cry a lot do this...", "the best toy on the market is this..." etc. It really was mind numbing at times. However, please understand that I knew it all came with love and the best of intentions, but I still told myself that I wouldn't be one of those people. Boy was I wrong.

When you have a kid you suddenly have this urge to scream all the tips you have from every mountain top. "USE DR. BROWN BOTTLES!", "MAALOX WORKS WONDERS FOR DIAPER RASH" and of course of course you have to go there with the diapers "PAMPERS ARE STUPID USE HUGGIES!"

lol...I'm telling you it's so true. It's like you feel obligated to tell everyone everything. It's so strange. And yes, I do it with much love and the best of intentions, but when I hear myself doing it I get annoyed with myself so I can't imagine how much Jill must have wanted me to shut up. I'm going to have to work on this part of being a new mom....

For those of you who read this to catch up on Bryce. I am happy to report he is still perfect in every way =o)

Love from the Brody world,

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