Friday, February 27, 2009


Yesterday I got a call from Mrs. Amy. She told me that Bryce had green mucus coming from his left eye. So, me being the "doctor" that I am, I quickly typed into my browser and I was off to self diagnose my little man. I couldn't really find anything. Pink eye kept coming up, but the discharge in the description was either yellow or tan. Needless to say, I convinced myself he couldn't have pink eye.
The second Mrs. Amy opened the door and I saw Bryce, I knew he had pink eye. Afterall, I am the queen of it =o) Dr. Prihoda was able to see him in the early afternoon and 84 dollars later, we had a little bottle of eye drops. They have worked REALLY well and Bryce doesn't have a problem with getting them either.

Even when he is sick Bryce is upbeat. He smiles through it all. I've really been thinking about that a lot. Since he has been here with us he has had countless tummy problems, a double ear infection, the croupe and now pink eye, but he remains and happy and content baby. I'm simply amazed at what a happy baby he is. His little smile warms my heart!

I've attached some pictures of my little guy and his yucky eye so you yourself can see that he is still one little happy camper!

Love and disinfection (LOL) from the Brody world,


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